Who We Are
We always try to do what is right by our clients and their patients. That is why any crown or bridge restoration that meets the qualifications for remake and experiences a defect in materials or workmanship within a period of two years, will be remade at no cost. Any removable appliance that meets the qualifications for remake and experiences a defect in materials or workmanship within a period of one year, will be repaired or remade, at the lab’s discretion, at no cost.
We reserve the right to remake any case at no charge, even if it does not meet the remake requirements outlined below, as a gesture of good faith and appreciation of our clients.
Crown and Bridge Remake Policy
Crown and bridge remakes will be at no charge within a period of two years from invoice date, with the following exceptions listed below:
- The doctor trimmed the die and the crown is being remade due to a margin discrepancy.
- The lab expressed concern to the doctor or the doctor’s staff about the quality of the impression or margin and were told to proceed as best we could.
- Remakes on a bridge due to tissue healing under a pontic where the tooth had not been extracted or allowed sufficient time to heal prior to impression being taken.
- Any crown fabricated under a partial where we are not provided the physical partial during fabrication.
- The remake shade is different than the original shade provided on the Rx.
Remakes in which the original restoration is not returned to us will be charged at 100%. If the original restoration is returned to us at a later date, we will issue a credit on the account.
Removable Remake Policy
Removable remakes will be no charge if received within 30 days of invoice date, with the following exceptions listed below. Remakes received after 30 days from invoice date will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- The lab expressed concern to the doctor or the doctor’s staff about the quality of the impressions or models provided for fabrication but we were told to proceed as best we could or make it work.
- We recommended a try-in but were told to go straight to finish.
- Complete dentures that were not fabricated with a wax try-in.
- The remake shade (tooth or tissue) is different than that provided on the original Rx.
- Metal frames that fit on the model and not in the mouth will be charged a 50% recast fee, given that the original frame is returned. If the original frame is not returned, or if a new impression/model is provided, 100% of the new frame cost may be charged at the lab’s discretion.
Remakes in which the original restoration is not returned to us will be charged at 100%. If the original restoration is returned to us at a later date, we will issue a credit on the account.
Rejected Cases
The cost of lab work cannot be refunded (i.e. a refund check). If a case is rejected and we are not given the opportunity to remake it, we will issue a 50% credit to the doctor’s account once the original restoration is returned to us, provided it meets the requirements previously outlined.
Cancelled Cases
We reserve the right to charge for work already done on a case that is cancelled by the office before it is completed.
An invoice is sent back with every case. At the end of each month, a summary statement is sent to the office by e-mail unless the office requests other delivery terms (i.e. mailed copies). All invoices and statements can be accessed at any time in the client portal, as well. Payment of this statement is due in full by the 10th of the following month.
Check payments can be mailed to Stone Dental Lab, 4010 Commerce Dr. Kinston, NC 28504 or handed to our delivery driver at the time of case pick up and/or delivery. Credit card payments can be made through our client portal and via telephone (252-378-2806). Credit cards can be saved on file with permission from the doctor or the doctor’s staff and billed on the 10th day of the month with the statement total.
Statement payments that are not received in full by the final business day of the following month are subject to a 1.5% finance charge.
Accounts with balances over 60 days past due will be placed on COD terms. In that case, our driver will be instructed not to leave a case at the office until a payment is made via credit card or he/she received a check from the office at the time the case is delivered for the full amount of the case plus the past due.
We reserve the right to not accept new cases from accounts that constantly remain 60 days or more overdue until payment arrangements for regular billing (i.e. credit card on file to run every week with the total for that week, etc.) are made.
Returned checks will be charged a return check fee at our discretion.
Any account that constantly stays 60 or more days past due runs the risk of being sent to a debt collector to obtain the owed amount. Client agrees to pay any collection costs incurred in the collection of any delinquent account including reasonable attorney fees.
By signing a Stone Dental Lab prescription or submitting a digital or computer-generated prescription to Stone Dental Lab, you are acknowledging and agreeing to these terms and conditions.

Edge Dental Solutions is a unique network of dental laboratories, founded on the principles of quality, service, and transparency.